2024 Pacific Islands TB Controllers Association (PITCA) Conference Call for Abstracts

The 2024 PITCA conference abstract committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for poster presentations on all aspects of tuberculosis control. Relevant topics include TB epidemiology, clinical, nursing and outreach, laboratory, education, and training, as well as outcomes of program initiatives.

Deadline: Friday, August 30, 2024

How to submit an abstract:


Please follow the recommended length and language guidelines:

  • Limit words to 350 or less (title, authors, affiliations, and section titles not included in word count.)
  • Abstracts must be in English.

Please make sure to include the following in your abstract:

  • Descriptive title, list of authors, and affiliations
  • Background: What is your project about?
  • Methods: What were the steps you took during this project?
  • Results: What happened because of your project?
  • Conclusions: What effect will your results or findings have on the future? What next steps might you take?

Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted based on on-time receipt and quality, methodology, and relevance to TB control/elimination, as determined by the Abstract Committee. Notifications of abstract acceptance will be sent via email with details about poster dimensions, etc. At least one co-author must attend the conference to present the poster. Travel scholarships for poster presenters will not be provided. You may submit abstracts that have been presented at other conferences.

Posters will remain up for viewing throughout the PITCA conference. Poster discussion sessions will be scheduled during the conference. Some posters may be selected for 5-minute oral presentations during PITCA plenary sessions. Please share with others who may be interested in submitting an abstract. Thank you!

If you have questions or need assistance with the abstract writing process, please contact Carissa Bisnath cbisnath@cdc.gov.